10 year deliverable interest rate swap futures
This is done by offering the chance to trade actual interest rate swaps on a forward basis as a standard futures contract. Contrary to previous cash-settled interest rate swap futures, Deliverable Swap Futures contracts provide for delivery of ‘plain vanilla’ interest rate swaps cleared by the CME Clearing House. Uses of 10 Year Deliverable Interest rate swap denominated in euro with terms of 2, 5, 10 and 30 years and various fixed rate arrangements. Contract value. EUR 100,000. Settlement. After close of trading, buyer and seller of an Euro-Swap Futures contract are obliged to conclude an interest rate swap with Eurex Clearing AG defined according to the underlying on delivery day. ASX 3, 5 and 10 year deliverable swap futures. Interest rate swaps are one of the most widely traded derivative products in the Australian financial market with over $10 trillion in notional value transacted in 2013.